Friday, November 27, 2009

Definition of A sick Bastard

Can you ever define what a SICK BASTARD is?

According to Merriam-Webster's Open Dictionary:

spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt...
mentally or emotionally unsound or disordered...

According to WIKIPEDIA:

A derogatory term for an unpleasant person...

Almost everyday in one's life one most come across a SICK BASTARD. These type of people are a pestilence to society. More over they are demented gits who are freakishly cursed to roam around the earth to defame, aggravate, stalk, scam, and create libelous antics towards people who do not agree with their ideas.

Anyways sick bastards are also fueled by their passionate desire to destroy someone's else identity, spamming them with such irrelevant remarks that is seriously morbid. Thinking about these type of people with such lowly lives is really despicable. All they do is just oogle their eyes on their computers, laptops etc to stalk on their easy prey..


You get the Picture...

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