I came across this term BLOG AGGREGATOR... So what is a BLOG AGGREGATOR?
To learn more about this, just go to this link to find out more...blog aggregators
According to wikipedia:
In general internet terms, a news aggregation website is a website where headlines are collected, usually manually, by the website owner. Examples of this sort of website are the Drudge Report and the Huffington Post.
and from rollerwebblogger.org:
"Is a portal like-web application that displays posts from a group of closely related but separately hosted webblogs.. "
As I understand this is a type of application that can make or break you (lol). Why? People here would have the option whether or not they do like your site or not. Beyond that, it will be easier for people to check out blogs that they have in common.
No it's not useless.. I find it quite helpful. I might even be lucky enough to have more friends..
Apparently, I made one for myself in feedcluster.com (my link which is called RANTS ---> http://reezentot.feedcluster.com/). Although I am thinking if there would be people like me who think about such crazy antics, serious and not so serious crazy antics..
I am thinking of creating a new one other than the first one I named called Rants.. Still thinking of the title though..
Let me know what you think...

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