Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Seven Deadly Sins: SLOTH

Sloth is defined as spiritual and/or actual apathy or laziness, putting off what God asks you to do, or not doing it or anything at all. Acedia is a Latin word, from Greek akedia, literally meaning "absence of caring". Acedia is also deemed to lead to God's wrath.

Sloth can also concern wasting due to lack of use or allowing entropy, expanding into almost any person, place, thing, skills, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement and/or support to continue to exist.

Punishment in hell: thrown in snake pits
Animal: Goat
Color: Light Blue

Demon: Belphegor

According to

A man apprehends the practice of virtue to be beset with difficulties and chafes under the restraints imposed by the service of God. The narrow way stretches wearily before him and his soul grows sluggish and torpid at the thought of the painful life journey. The idea of right living inspires not joy but disgust, because of its laboriousness. This is the notion commonly obtaining, and in this sense sloth is not a specific vice according to the teaching of St. Thomas, but rather a circumstance of all vices. Ordinarily it will not have the malice of mortal sin unless, of course, we conceive it to be so utter that because of it one is willing to bid defiance to some serious obligation. St. Thomas completes his definition of sloth by saying that it is torpor in the presence of spiritual good which is Divine good. In other words, a man is then formally distressed at the prospect of what he must do for God to bring about or keep intact his friendship with God. In this sense sloth is directly opposed to charity. It is then a mortal sin unless the act be lacking in entire advertence or full consent of the will. The trouble attached to maintenance of the inhabiting of God by charity arouses tedium in such a person. He violates, therefore, expressly the first and the greatest of the commandments: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength." (Mark 12:30)

Laziness, it is something I am good at.. lol Just kidding, You know that there are times that you just want to lie down and sleep the whole day, not worrying about house duties? As much as I want to be lazy all the time, I cannot afford to be "Juan Tamad".

Laziness makes me super sluggish and I hate the way it makes me feel. Can you consider procrastination as lazy? Some do and some don't.

pit of snakes anyone?


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Chika Time Too said...

Nakakatakot naman mga posts mo teh! Nuvey?! hahaha!

Reezen TOT said...

hahaha blame history, ngc and discovery channel! Buwahahahaha