serpentskirt wrote today at 11:50 PM
Hi! I saw your blog yesterday, AND your retraction, which was very kind of you.
Honestly, considering the way she's defending herself now (which is not at all), I'm not surprised that some people are even angrier than ever. Feel free to post a link to my blog entry if you want (; I think it's way too long to repost anywhere.
It's easy for people to say that I'm biased in her favor because she's my friend, which I am, but I do think she deserves the backlash she's getting -- just not all of it, and definitely not the vicious stuff. I think someone commented on smoketalk/Rom's blog about Tracy making out with some guy in Embassy Fly; anong kinalaman niyan sa issue? It's just getting so out of hand. Discourse is good, outright hate, not so much.
Again, thank you for being a lot nicer than so many people out there, and for putting up with people telling you not to be. :) Take care!
reezentot wrote on Dec 10,
your welcome ____... i appreciate your time reading my blog and i will be very happy to post your comments.. =) you are a good friend.. a keeper i dear say.. =)
Tracy Isabel Borres
Dec 8, '08 9:48 AM
for everyone (Serpentskirt)
My boyfriend is worried about me doing this. I care too much sometimes, but I care more about him and I don't want him to worry that I'm going to get sucked into this (because I don't want that either; who would?), so I'm going to put this up and this will be it from me. The rest is up to Tracy, as it should be. I'm staying out of it after this, once and for all. Because I had to do this for myself once upon a time and it was not fun in the least, having to fight shadows.
(And IRL friends, you know the drill on Serpentskirt. This is my private account and I am anonymous here for very obvious reasons. So play nice.)
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even be trolling people's personal accounts, so I apologize to anyone who's pissed at me for being all over the place and all over your accounts. I did it because that girl is my friend, and while I'm not condoning what she did or justifying anything she said (because really, it was extremely offensive, even to some of us who already understood her humor), it's kind of disappointing to see how easily people just dismiss her as some dumb bitch who doesn't deserve to live. (People have expressed wishes to kick her in the stomach, or intentions to confront her if they ever see her along Katipunan, for example. I mean, hello, how constructive is that? Kick her in the uterus, you don't want her to procreate and neither does she.)
That one blog entry isn't the entirety of her person. People haven't really stopped to consider that she herself is a human being who made one massive mistake. She's just a name, a picture, and a bunch of offensive words that no strangers were even supposed to be reading in the first place.
First of all, I want to thank all the people who have actually been pretty fair about the "Shameful Atenista" scandal. (How is it even a scandal? What qualifies a scandal? I never learned these things.) There are some people out there who have been really impartial, whether in comments or in their own blog entries, and I'm really thankful for that because I haven't been seeing that a lot on the Internet. Most of what I find is just people making mean, underhanded comments about her and judging her entire person based on that one blog entry that they were never even meant to read. It's depressing.
I respect everyone's right to post whatever they want on their blogs, but some of these people seem to be trying to organize an online lynch mob against her. Whether or not your intention when you crosspost is to stir trouble for her, whether or not any of your intentions are pure, that post is still going to incur some hatred against some girl you don't even know. You can't control how your contacts are going to react to it, and it's so easy to jump on small fry like this.
Common sense dictates that posting something so sensitive (or insensitive, if you will) to 300 contacts is not exactly the smartest thing to do, but I think Tracy trusted in people too much, and look where that got her. Are any of you even aware that this post was written just for friends? I think she explicitly stated somewhere in that post (I'm too lazy to look for a transcription) that she would save whatever meaningful insights she took away from the experience because that's not what her friends wanted to read. Her friends wanted to read what she wrote -- the experience of a super sheltered girl breaking waaaay out of her comfort zone.
It's not an excuse for what she wrote, not at all. But she wrote it under the impression that the only people who WOULD be reading it would know her well enough not to take it seriously. Even people I expected to be angrier at her about this just understood that it's Tracy. Again, I know that's not an excuse, but you'd actually have to know her to get what I mean, and I'm pretty sure none of you want to know her. Since she is a heinous bitch.
What frustrates me about this whole issue is that people keep going on and on in their blog entries about how "they're spreading the posts so that more people know about this bitch," and when I ask what for, some actually tell me that they're doing it so that "Tracy Isabel Borres learns something." What's she going to learn? That people on the Internet are self-righteous, tsismoso jerks who have nothing better to do with their free time than to attack the character of some random girl on the Internet?
Some of these people have tried to get her in trouble with the school, but the school already knows about this, and right now, all they're really concerned about is that this insanity isn't affecting Tracy negatively, academically or emotionally. If the school can take it with a grain of salt, and understand that not everybody has a beautiful, mindblowingly enlightening immersion experience (because not everybody does; some people are just too afraid to say it because LOOK WHERE IT WILL GET YOU), why can't everyone else? Do you expect them to kick her out for not caring enough? You'd have to expel at least half the school.
I understand where the anger is coming from, believe me, I do, and I think a lot of it is well-deserved, but I think that instead of further spreading the hate all over the Internet, where Tracy is obviously not looking because she knows what's out there, all these concerned, upstanding, moral, socially-aware citizens could be doing something more constructive. Doesn't everyone know her Facebook name by now? Doesn't everyone know what her photo looks like? Aren't you all posting these things on your blogs for everyone to see? Why don't you just take your grievances straight to her and message her on Facebook? Some people have, and apparently she's responded. And, you know, say something more significant than "Fuck you, you insensitive racist bitch! You don't deserve your education!" because that doesn't help anything and just gets deleted.
Or can you only bravely express how horrified you are and how awful you think she is on your own inviolable turf, where she's not looking?
It's so easy to forward these screencaps because you don't know her. I think we all know at least five ridiculously offensive, insensitive people (I think I know around 20), but if they wrote shit like this and we read it, I highly doubt we'd screencap it and forward it all over the Internet unless we really, really hated them or unless we were assholes. Because we don't fuck over people we actually have to see in real life. Otherwise, we'd be accountable for the shitstorm we throw them into. We'd call them out on it, definitely, but throw them to the wolves? No. The douchebag on her friends list who first screencapped and circulated that private post is probably either really pleased with himself right now or really apologetic. I hope it's the latter, because even if you had good intentions, I'm sure you realize how much worse it's become. Good job, pare.
I'm just really concerned about my friend; she's a better person than that, and I think it's shitty that someone who actually knew her in some capacity had some sick amusement at her expense. And now it's all been blown way out of proportion. Seriously, is the shallow, close-minded, elitist, racist, whatever-you-want-to-call-it fucking-awful-opinion of one girl really that important? Is one girl going to change the Philippines? Did that Gucci Gang issue change the Philippines? People talked a lot of anonymous shit on that blog and ruined a lot of already tarnished reputations, but can anyone honestly say that there was a visible, palpable change in the social climate of Manila? I wish I could say yes, but people haven't changed that much -- they're just lying a little lower and flying under the radar, but they're still the same.
You can't change other people unless they themselves want to change. You can't force Tracy to change right here, right now. You can't expect Theology or Philosophy classes or an Ateneo education to magically turn her into someone else. It's a gradual process, if it ever even happens at all, and dear God I hope it does. (Also, the way she feels about things is not a social barometer or a gauge of the sensitivity and social concern of our generation. Some of us care naman.)
For the people who are concerned about the Ateneo name, believe me, I think Tracy's been worrying about that, too. Anyone stupid enough to generalize about the Ateneo community because of the shallow, insensitive comments of one girl are, well...stupid, and not worth Ateneo's time. I don't base my opinion of La Salle on Rico Maierhofer flipping the bird. The angriest people are Ateneans themselves, so clearly they care.
Thank you for your time, though. :) You can flame me now, if you want. I'm pretty sure I've left a lot of loopholes here for you to call me out on, and that's fine. I just really care about my friend (and I know I'm not the only one), so I had to get this out there somehow in the hope that people would sort of understand. Or at least talk about her insensitivity (which a lot of people share nowadays, sadly) in a smart, discursive manner that might help her and a lot of other people actually LEARN something, and not her, I dunno, drunk photos, or what she does on weekends, or how her face looks at a certain angle in her profile photo and how you can't tell if she's pretty or not, or who she makes out with, or which of her seatmates said she was a bitch, or whether or not she owns a BMW and an iPhone (she doesn't) and why that makes her a spoiled brat with no perspective. What does that have to do with this? Nothing.
I'm going to step out now, listen to some nice music, do my homework, read a dumb vampire novel, and keep my trap shut from now on. God bless you all.
**C1 wrote on Dec 8
Well said :]
**C2 wrote on Dec 8
I'm quite sure 90% of us would have reacted the same way in such a situation, and the other 10 just won't admit it.
About this mess, I'm quite sure she's heard a hundred lectures and withstood a few withering looks, but if there's a lesson to be learned here, it's finding out that a little sensitivity in expressing yourself goes a long way in defining your public persona.
It IS unfair to judge her based on how she reacted to something that truly disgusted her, and we can't fault her either for what does or what doesn't. She's a product of her environment, and if anybody had a problem with that, one should look at their own and call it spotless first before judging hers. Lord knows I've gone "ew" at countless grubby street kids myself, but the difference is (and not that it makes me a better person), I've kept my mouth shut, online and off, and just resolved to do something about those who are responsible at some point in my life. Preferably sooner than later.
Anyway, good going at trying to defend her, but, I think only SHE can get the most positive mileage out of this brouhaha by personally penning something in response to those narrow minded and righteous few who are attempting to crucify her. Good luck.
**serpentskirt wrote on Dec 8
Exactly. She should have exercised more discretion, but she has never been discreet. I think she deserves to be called out on her bullshit, because there was a LOT of bullshit, but on a lot of blogs, much of what's being said about her no longer has anything to do with her offensive comments or insensitivity; what people are saying is no longer constructive -- it's just cruel, vicious, and unrelated to the issue at hand.
People are trying to dig up dirt on her everywhere. I know, because a friend just messaged me today to ask why one of her Multiply albums from 2006 suddenly got such a huge number of hits. I Googled "Tracy Borres" and that album was the first thing that popped up (an Admit One gig at SaGuijo, totally unrelated right?). There wasn't even a single photograph of her in the album; just the mention of her name in the comments.
I'm just dead afraid that this is going to turn into a personal vendetta against Tracy Borres the individual, instead of Tracy Borres' stupid ideas, which is what it should be about in the first place.
Well said :]
**C2 wrote on Dec 8
I'm quite sure 90% of us would have reacted the same way in such a situation, and the other 10 just won't admit it.
About this mess, I'm quite sure she's heard a hundred lectures and withstood a few withering looks, but if there's a lesson to be learned here, it's finding out that a little sensitivity in expressing yourself goes a long way in defining your public persona.
It IS unfair to judge her based on how she reacted to something that truly disgusted her, and we can't fault her either for what does or what doesn't. She's a product of her environment, and if anybody had a problem with that, one should look at their own and call it spotless first before judging hers. Lord knows I've gone "ew" at countless grubby street kids myself, but the difference is (and not that it makes me a better person), I've kept my mouth shut, online and off, and just resolved to do something about those who are responsible at some point in my life. Preferably sooner than later.
Anyway, good going at trying to defend her, but, I think only SHE can get the most positive mileage out of this brouhaha by personally penning something in response to those narrow minded and righteous few who are attempting to crucify her. Good luck.
**serpentskirt wrote on Dec 8
Exactly. She should have exercised more discretion, but she has never been discreet. I think she deserves to be called out on her bullshit, because there was a LOT of bullshit, but on a lot of blogs, much of what's being said about her no longer has anything to do with her offensive comments or insensitivity; what people are saying is no longer constructive -- it's just cruel, vicious, and unrelated to the issue at hand.
People are trying to dig up dirt on her everywhere. I know, because a friend just messaged me today to ask why one of her Multiply albums from 2006 suddenly got such a huge number of hits. I Googled "Tracy Borres" and that album was the first thing that popped up (an Admit One gig at SaGuijo, totally unrelated right?). There wasn't even a single photograph of her in the album; just the mention of her name in the comments.
I'm just dead afraid that this is going to turn into a personal vendetta against Tracy Borres the individual, instead of Tracy Borres' stupid ideas, which is what it should be about in the first place.
**C2 wrote on Dec 8
LOL, I don't know about a "personal vendetta", unless an aeta mom decides to be offended about what Tracy said about her kid, and then trecks 20 miles to the nearest internet cafe to start a blog. Nah, really, what we have here is a classic case of over-reacting pinoys jumping on the "popular" bandwagon, forgetting about being good Christians (as most of them profess to be) and casting the first stone. Shame on all of you by the way, hypocrites.
What we shouldn't forget though, is that Tracy does deserve some sort of backlash for the insensitivity and lack of forethought in her writing. Maybe not a public crucifixion, but enough so that she realizes that there were mistakes made. That's all. Learn from this, move on. Hell, I'd go and enjoy my 15 minutes of fame right about now.
**C3 wrote on Dec 8
Well said. A friend posted links to screencaps of her facebook account, but more than be appalled about the entry, I was more appalled that she wrote this for her contacts only and somebody reposted it somewhere else.
And besides, I'm sure everyone has a locked entry tucked away in our sites, maybe not as extreme as hers, but definitely something that will make other people hate us as well.
Like you said, the difference is, she trusted too much on her contacts.
**C4 wrote on Dec 8
Came here after reading your comment on and I have just one word for you.
**C5 wrote on Dec 9
I got an email about the immersion experience from my friend and it lead me to your site somehow, I only opened it because of the subject "Calling atenistas". I actually thought that it was an alumni immersion program.
I want you to know that you are a very good friend, one that anyone would wish they have and please let your friend, Tracy, know that it wasn't offensive to anyone who is not ignorant and self-righteous. It's very very easy for anyone to judge, but the reality is that judgement really if not for us or anyone to give, but ultimately for the greatest, our Lord Almighty.
Please tell her to not be affected by all this at all because what matters are the important people in her life, I'm sure you are one of them.
**C6 wrote on Dec 9
Sabay kaming nag-immersion ni Tracy. I know she said awful things in the Facebook blog, pero to be fair to her, hindi sya nag-inarte sa Tarlac during those three days. Oo she didn't eat much & ended up sleeping most of the time, but she really tried naman eh. The whole experience was so new to her that's why I understand where she's coming from.

LOL, I don't know about a "personal vendetta", unless an aeta mom decides to be offended about what Tracy said about her kid, and then trecks 20 miles to the nearest internet cafe to start a blog. Nah, really, what we have here is a classic case of over-reacting pinoys jumping on the "popular" bandwagon, forgetting about being good Christians (as most of them profess to be) and casting the first stone. Shame on all of you by the way, hypocrites.
What we shouldn't forget though, is that Tracy does deserve some sort of backlash for the insensitivity and lack of forethought in her writing. Maybe not a public crucifixion, but enough so that she realizes that there were mistakes made. That's all. Learn from this, move on. Hell, I'd go and enjoy my 15 minutes of fame right about now.
**C3 wrote on Dec 8
Well said. A friend posted links to screencaps of her facebook account, but more than be appalled about the entry, I was more appalled that she wrote this for her contacts only and somebody reposted it somewhere else.
And besides, I'm sure everyone has a locked entry tucked away in our sites, maybe not as extreme as hers, but definitely something that will make other people hate us as well.
Like you said, the difference is, she trusted too much on her contacts.
**C4 wrote on Dec 8
Came here after reading your comment on and I have just one word for you.
**C5 wrote on Dec 9
I got an email about the immersion experience from my friend and it lead me to your site somehow, I only opened it because of the subject "Calling atenistas". I actually thought that it was an alumni immersion program.
I want you to know that you are a very good friend, one that anyone would wish they have and please let your friend, Tracy, know that it wasn't offensive to anyone who is not ignorant and self-righteous. It's very very easy for anyone to judge, but the reality is that judgement really if not for us or anyone to give, but ultimately for the greatest, our Lord Almighty.
Please tell her to not be affected by all this at all because what matters are the important people in her life, I'm sure you are one of them.
**C6 wrote on Dec 9
Sabay kaming nag-immersion ni Tracy. I know she said awful things in the Facebook blog, pero to be fair to her, hindi sya nag-inarte sa Tarlac during those three days. Oo she didn't eat much & ended up sleeping most of the time, but she really tried naman eh. The whole experience was so new to her that's why I understand where she's coming from.

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