For the past few days, I became a bit engrossed with my nephew's legos.. there was the AT ST, AT TE and the twilight..
This is what is consuming my time for now.. Other than the my enthusiasm for star wars lego, I was enamored by one of it's villian's, Darth Maladi.
My all time Favorite character.. Darth Maladi
Darth Maladi was a Devaronian female who served as a Sith Lady in Darth Krayt's Sith Order during Krayt's reign as Emperor. She was the head of Sith Intelligence and Assassination, adept in the ways of inquisition and torture, and a specialist in the art of mental manipulation.
A skilled scientist, she tirelessly experimented with ways to pervert science to serve the Sith cause, and also manufactured and dealt the narcotic ixetal cilona. She was responsible for the sabotage of the government-sponsored project to terraform Ossus. Maladi, along with High Moff Morlish Veed, the leader of the Council of Moffs, and his partner, Nyna Calixte, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, started the Sith-Imperial War in 127 ABY, which saw the near-destruction of the Galactic Alliance, the leading government at the time, and the New Jedi Order—the major opponents of the Sith.
In 137 ABY, Krayt ordered Maladi to find and dispose of the former Emperor, Roan Fel, and to capture Cade Skywalker, the last remaining member of the Skywalker family. Though she failed with the former task, the Sith were able to capture Skywalker, whom Maladi tortured to find his limits. However, Skywalker escaped, and Maladi was forced to work with Rav, a Feeorin pirate for whom Skywalker had once worked, to find the fugitive.
Personality & Traits
"As you will, my Lord."
"Yes, Maladi. Always as I will."
―Darth Maladi, acknowledging her loyalty to Darth Krayt
Darth Maladi, like most Sith in Darth Krayt's New Sith Order, knew complete obedience to her Master. She always completed his orders as asked, though she sometimes wondered about some of Krayt's decisions,such as why he wanted Cade Skywalker alive.Maladi often tortured individuals, and took pride when she was able to successfully extract information out of them, evidenced when she garnered information about Skywalker from Hosk Trey'lis. Maladi was often in control of sentients, and barked commands at Nyna Calixte and Trey'lis, much like her Master Krayt did himself.
As the head of Sith Intelligence and Assassination, Maladi was adept at manipulating individuals without using the Force; along with Krayt, she instigated the Sith-Imperial War by manipulating Morlish Veed into an alliance with the Sith, convincing him that the Sith were going to seat him as Emperor, though Maladi instead put him in a position of servitude to Krayt.
Maladi loved to scheme the demise of others. She molded the perfect assassin in Darth Kruhl, who was ready to die in order to kill Roan Fel. When that failed, Maladi revealed that Kruhl had been part of a larger scheme to kill Roan Fel, and that she was planning to mold another to finally place the final killing stroke. However, Maladi's scheming sometimes blinded her, and she was so enamored with her plans that she almost lost sight of her Krayt-given goal—to eliminate Roan Fel. On one occasion, Krayt had to remind her to keep sight of her goal to kill Fel before she became too consumed with plotting. She was ruthless to this end, and did not suffer the failures of her subordinates gladly, evidenced when she executed Vikar Dorn for his blunder during the assassination attempt on Emperor Fel's life.
Maladi was also confident in the stability of the New Sith Order, believing that they were more successful than the older Sith, though Nyna Calixte believed that the present day Sith were like the Sith of old, and that that reminiscent quality was going to be the demise of Maladi and the rest of the Sith.
Maladi also had a different skin color than most Devaronian females, as well as little fur on her body, while most females of her species had a good deal of fur that was naturally white. Maladi's skin color and fur quantities, however, was the result of genetics.
More Info About Darth Maladi and other Star Wars, visit starwars.wikia)
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